Restraint Reduction Outcomes

Restraint Reduction OutcomesThe new trainer team for this service began rolling out their own programme (a four-day, full-spectrum course for their LD/MH setting) to their staff in October.   By December, they had seen dramatic restraint reduction outcomes in key indicators such as time-in-restraint, floor-based-restraints and number-of-restraints for their high-frequency service users.   â€œThe amount of time we

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Breakaway training in care

Breakaway training in care – an example of positive outcomesAt one point early in the training programme it becomes important to look at physical self-protection training, especially if the service data shows that some service users, when distressed,  target staff with violence by grabbing, hitting or throwing objects at them.In the past, the staff were

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Becoming an effective PMVA Trainer

Becoming an effective PMVA TrainerProbably the most important decision a company makes when it wants to change the culture of their workplace is this:  Which personalities will lead the training effort? In on successful case we were involved with, the organisation chose three of their most senior carers, who had all been in the service for

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