Dynamis Training and Insight is a Quality Award Centre with the Institute of Conflict Management (QAC#2201)
This accreditation provides independently-assessed evidence to clients of our high quality assurance standards through a rigorous assessment process as follows:
- A record of our details and background including core activities and corporate structure
- Evidence of our approach to risk assessment and training needs analysis
- Examples of programme development and design and our training rationale
- Examples of course administration/documentation
- Copy of our Health & Safety policy
- A Quality Assurance Policy
- Examples of material we use to support learners
- Details of our procedures for providing an appropriate learning environment including health & safety issues surrounding the venue
- A policy for undertaking occupational health checks for learners involved in physical skills training
- Evidence and record of our trainers existing training qualifications and experience and CPD records
- Copies of our insurance details
- First aid policy and arrangements
- Details of administration and certification process (Data-protection Act)
- Confirmation of our adherence to the ICM Code of Practice
Gerard O’Dea, our Director of Training, also holds the ICM Physical Skills Tutor Award (ICM L324 # 5488T) which provides independent quality assurance, evidence, verification and recognition of the award holders’ expertise, knowledge and qualifications in physical skills tuition.

Our Trainers are Restraint Reduction Specialists
Please speak to our training adviser if you would like to know our latest information in regard to the Restraint Reduction Network Standards and the BILD ACT certification scheme.
Specialists in Prevention & Management of Workplace Violence
- European Adviser for ‘Verbal Defense and Influence’ Conflict Management
- Specialist Personal Safety and Physical Interventions Training Consultant
- Certified Expert Witness on Conflict and Use of Reasonable Force
- Recognised Institute for Conflict Management Physical Skills Tutor (ICM L324 #5488T)
Qualifications (Gerard O'Dea)
Cardiff University Law School / Bond Solon Certified Expert Witness (Criminal Cases)
University of Stirling BA Business Studies and Japanese
European Adviser for ‘Verbal Defense and Influence’ Conflict Communications Programmes from the Vistelar Group
Level 4 Diploma in Child Psychology
Institute of Conflict Management Physical Skills Tutor Award (L324 # 5488T)
- BTEC Level 4 Professional Award in Safer People Handling (RoSPA)
- BTEC Level 4 Professional Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)
- BTEC Level 3 Advanced Award in Delivery of Conflict Management Training
- BTEC Level 3 Advanced Award in Physical Restraint Practice
- BTEC Level 3 Advanced Award in Physical Intervention (SIA)
- BTEC Level 3 Advanced Award in Advanced Self Defence Instruction
- BTEC Level 3 Advanced Award in Coaching & Instruction of Physical Restraint
- BTEC Level 3 Advanced Award in Safe and Effective use of Restraint Devices
Chartered Institute for Environmental Health
- Level 2 Award in Manual Handling
- Level 3 Award in Principles and Practice of Risk Assessment
Certified by the Institute for Prevention of In-Custody Deaths as a Use-of-Force Trainer
Certified at the NHS National Conflict Resolution syllabus Familiarisation Seminar
Certified at the AELE Workshop on Legal, Psychological and Biomechanical Aspects of Officer-Involved Lethal and Less-Lethal Use of Force.
National Federation for Personal Safety (NFPS) Certified Violence at Work Risk Assessor
- Protecting Scottish Public Services Workers National Conference Glasgow (2007)
- Control & Restraint General Services Association National Conference Edinburgh (2010)
Specialist Areas
Restrictive Practices and Restraint Minimisation Programmes
- Non-Escalation and De-escalation of Conflict and Distress in Care Environments
- Appropriate and Relevant Restraint and Control Tactics and Procedures
- Guidance on ‘Positive and Proactive Care’ (Department of Health 2014)
- The issues in common and criminal law in relation to restraint and use of force
- How the Human Rights Act 1998 impacts on training and management of physical interventions
- How Health and Safety legislation relates to staff who face occupational personal safety risk
- Restraint-related risks of sudden death and serious injury
- Human Factors-based Training Needs Analysis and Programme Design
- Psychological and Physiological factors in high-risk confrontations
- Obligations of managers under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- The impact of legislation and Department for Education, Department of Health national guidance for the care of children and vulnerable adults in crisis.
Our Team of Full-Time Qualified Professionals
Each member of our small but specialist instructor team is carefully selected for their qualifications and experience – at the time of writing, all of our instructors have been with Dynamis for over 5 years. Our team holds relevant and accredited vocational qualifications in Designing and Delivering Education and Training for Adult Learners, with relevant expertise in conflict management and physical interventions.
Gerard O.
Zeb G.
Alex H.
Heidi W.
Mike C.
Matt R.
Zach J.
Feedback from our clients speaks volumes about the quality of our team and they would love to meet you at your next Dynamis training course!